Chapter 5 – Variables
(a) To store data and information.
(b) Examples of variables types include: integers, floats, strings, booleans.
(c) An element.
(d) Nesting.
(a) lisBook = [“The Hobbit”, “JRR Tolkien”, 1937, 3.99, True]
(b) print(lisBook)
Chapter 6 – Smooth operators
(a) addition + subtraction – multiplication * division /
myVar = 5 myVar *= 4 print (myVar)
Chapter 7 – Making decisions
strUsername = input("What is your Username? ") strPassword = input("What is your password? ") if strUsername == "admin" and strPassword == "secret": print("You logon was successful, welcome.") else: print ("Your Username or password is incorrect.")
Chapter 8 – Going loopy
lisSongs = ["design for life" , "driftwood", "karma police"] for strSong in lisSongs: print (strSong)
(b) For loops and while loops
(c) Execution goes back to the beginning of the loop
(d) Stop further execution of the loop
(e) Nesting
Chapter 9 – Functions
(a) Procedure.
(b) Return.
(c) Parameters.
(d) Arguments.
(e) The scope of a variable is the parts of your code where the variable exists and is active.
def inch2cent(floInch): floCent = floInch * 2.5 return floCent floInch = float( input ("Enter a measurement in inches: ")) floCent = inch2cent(floInch) print (floCent)
Chapter 10 – OOPS
(a) Methods.
(b) Fields.
class Ball: strColor = "blue" def throw(self): print ("the ball is thrown") def bounce(self): print ("the ball bounces")
objTennisBall = Ball() objTennisBall.strColor = "yellow" print (objTennisBall.strColor) objTennisBall.bounce()
Chapter 11 – Pygame
Move your picture file into the project folder.
Find the following line and change ‘player1.gif’ to the filename of your image:
surPlayer = pygame.image.load(‘player1.gif’)
Move your .wav file into the project folder.
Find the following line, and change ‘sample1.wav’ to the filename of the music you downloaded:‘sample1.wav’) #(‘house_lo.wav’)
Change the numbers in the following line of code to 0,0:
recAlien = Rect(450,200,surAlien.get_width(),surAlien.get_height())
Chapter 12 – Example game
if keyInput[K_UP]: recPlayer.y -= PLAYERSPEED if keyInput[K_DOWN]: recPlayer.y += PLAYERSPEED
if keyInput[K_UP] and recPlayer.y > 0: recPlayer.y -= PLAYERSPEED if keyInput[K_DOWN] and recPlayer.y <420: recPlayer.y += PLAYERSPEED